.. include:: common/roles.txt .. include:: common/stub-topic.txt TinyCsvParser ============= Welcome to the `TinyCsvParser`_ documentation! `TinyCsvParser`_ is a library to parse CSV data in an easy and fun way, while offering a very high performance and a clean API. It is highly configurable to provide maximum flexibility. `TinyCsvParser`_ supports `.NET Core`_. To get started quickly, follow the :ref:`Quickstart `. .. note:: This documentation is a work in progress. Topics marked with a |stub-icon| are placeholders and not written yet. Topics ~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 sections/quickstart sections/overview sections/userguide sections/faq sections/tutorials sections/contributing sections/changelog Getting involved ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want to get involved? Learn :ref:`how to contribute ` and visit the `GitHub repository `_. Indices and tables """""""""""""""""" * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. _MIT license: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT .. _TinyCsvParser: https://github.com/bytefish/TinyCsvParser .. _.NET Core: https://www.microsoft.com/net/core