Parsing Custom Formats

TinyCsvParser makes assumptions about the format of the data, which defaults to the .NET default formats. This is often sufficient for simple CSV files, but sometimes CSV data comes with values in special formats. When the default converter is unable to parse the format, you need to customize the converter.

It sounds more complex, than it actually turns out to be. All existing converters support customizing the the format used for parsing the value. The formatting string is the same as used for parsing string values in .NET.

Reading a Date with a custom Format

Imagine a client sends data with a weird format for dates and writes dates like this 2004###01###25. These values cannot be parsed with the default date format, but in TinyCsvParser a DateTimeConverter with the custom date time format can be used for the mapping.

To use the custom converter, you are simply pass the Converter to the MapProperty method to define a custom converter for the property mapping.

private class CsvPersonMappingWithCustomConverter : CsvMapping<Person>
        public CsvPersonMappingWithCustomConverter()
                MapProperty(0, x => x.FirstName);
                MapProperty(1, x => x.LastName);
                MapProperty(2, x => x.BirthDate, new DateTimeConverter("yyyy###MM###dd"));

Reading a Boolean with a custom Format

Imagine you want to map between the CSV value and a boolean. The library makes the assumption, that the string value for true is "true" and for false is "false". But now imagine your CSV data uses the text "ThisIsTrue" for the boolean value true, and "ThisIsFalse" for the boolean value false.

Then you have to instantiate and use the BoolConverter like this:

new BoolConverter("ThisIsTrue", "ThisIsFalse", StringComparison.InvariantCulture);

This converter can be used in a Property Mapping like this:

public class EntityWithBoolean
    public bool PropertyBoolean { get; set; }

public class BooleanMappingWithCustomConverter : CsvMapping<EntityWithBoolean>
    public BooleanMappingWithCustomConverter()
        MapProperty(0, x => x.PropertyBoolean, new BoolConverter("ThisIsTrue", "ThisIsFalse", StringComparison.InvariantCulture));